The true story behind the headlines: A church bureaucracy and its unfettered team of lawyers that together try to silence the painful truth. Broken trust by those he had every reason to trust. But most of all the story of a man who persevered through hell and back to keep kids safe.
“The church won’t want to set a precedent; they’ll stonewall you as long as possible. When the church is sued, it shouldn’t act like a gambling casino. It’s absolutely shameful! Why didn’t the church just apologize? Repent? The lawyers are calling the shots.”
Reverend Dr. Robert Preus (d.1995), Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod scholar, president of Concordia Theological Seminary, and son of J.A.O. Preus, former governor of Minnesota
To David Samarzia, accurate details have always been important, both as an accountant and as an author. For decades he’s held onto numerous boxes of documentation for his memoir — an indication of his determination to have the truth known and lives changed for the better by what he learned along the way.
"In these pages, David Samarzia has shared a deeply personal story that was challenging to write... Here is a reminder of the depths, the depravity, and the wounding power of sin... Sin so easily entangles (Hebrews 12:1). Does it ever! It is my prayer that these pages will help all of us to serve the David Samarzias of this world in a more Christ-like manner.”
Reverend John Lehenbauer, pastor,
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
“David went through hell trying to do the right thing. Church members shunned and insulted him, and accused him of money-grubbing—it was clear that money was the farthest thing from his mind. The church lawyers were savage. It was really shocking to see what should have been ministry to a deeply suffering person turned into innuendo, ugly accusations, and mockery....He was awarded the church in the lawsuit, but he gave it back. People still kept saying he was just looking for money.”
Susan Stanich, award-winning reporter for the Duluth News Tribune
disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on the opinions of the author and presented with the understanding that he does not intend to render any type of medical, psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice.