Listening. That’s what David Samarzia found himself doing after his story of being sexually molested in boyhood by a popular Protestant minister hit the local papers. Mothers sobbed telling him of their own sons who'd committed suicide after being abused by the same pastor. They said, “You have to be their voice now."
David Samarzia, trailblazer for rescuing children before they could be put in harm's way, has given countless unpaid hours and resources to numerous advocacy organizations (see below). He spoke with hundreds of survivors to help them find hope, worked with legislators to change victims' laws, and began writing his memoir to inspire others with what he'd learned. Maybe this is why David survived a youthful suicide attempt — to be an impassioned voice for men and women who carry lifelong scars, not only from sexual assault, but from legal abuse that multiplies the original trauma.
Ever concerned for children's safety, David offered his home as a McGruff Safe House for Kids. After the required background check by law enforcement and the training orientation, he was accepted into the McGruff program in June 1995.
On May 20, 1998, PAVSA paid tribute to his many volunteer hours: “In honor of David Samarzia, a Male Survivor of Clergy Sexual Abuse, for his courage and perseverance, his commitment to protect children, his ability to speak out so eloquently. He has helped many survivors break through their silence.”
"In grateful appreciation [to] David Samarzia for your dedication and commitment to the mission of Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota/Circle of Parents as a supportive and generous volunteer.”
"David has had a tremendous positive impact on the hundreds of children and families First Witness has worked with. While helping, David has always been positive and demonstrated excellent organizational and people skills... He did a superb job in this role and served the children and families we work with dignity and respect."
First Witness Child Advocacy Center
“Because David Samarzia stood up and told his story, maybe one other person who suffered sexual abuse in silence will come forward and seek help. Maybe someone else will hear about the case and find courage to leave the situation.”
Leslee Leroux, Budgeteer Newspaper
“SOAR Business Solutions used to offer a small business planning class for women. David would volunteer his time to talk to the class about recordkeeping and accounting and tax issues. He was very giving of his time and expertise.”
Debra Holleman, career specialist for SOAR, a Social Security Advocacy Service
“David, I am thrilled to hear that you are finding some time to write the book that should be written by you. The pain you have suffered and the trials that you have endured give you knowledge. This knowledge can be useful and advise future generations. You have already made a difference with your advocacy in bringing the truth out regarding child molestation.”
Becky Lourey, retired MN State Senator
disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on the opinions of the author and presented with the understanding that he does not intend to render any type of medical, psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice.